Mae Among the Stars
“If you can dream it, and you can believe in it, and you work hard for it, anything is possible.”
Mae Among the Stars, by Roda Ahmed, is an awesome example of books that show young girls (and boys) successful women in science careers.
Before I read this story to my students, I asked them what kind of things they’d like to try when they grow up. Despite trying to avoid asking the trite question “What do you want to be when you grow up,” (which is limited and not really that meaningful) I still got typical answers. Most of the boys offered various names of superheroes they wanted to be and each girl named a princess or a mermaid. Those are all fine aspirations, but I wanted them to think a little more deeply.
I followed up with, “What makes those people so great?” “What is it about them that you want to be like them?” I got some more interesting responses but found they could use a little more inspiration. Next, we read Mae Among the Stars, and guess what? Now my class is full of kids who hope to be doctors, scientists, and of course, astronauts.
We talked briefly about how a career is not the end-all, be-all in life. I’ve found that asking kids what they want to do limits them. What if they don’t become Iron Man? What if they have more than one job in their life (pretty likely)?
Never fear, kids. Mae came to the rescue. We watched an interview with the real Mae Jemison (she’s REAL?! they were shook). Together, we got to find out about all the cool things she learned in her life like photography, geography, and how to fly (and more!).
You can’t be what you can’t see. If children never see someone who looks like them doing the things they might be interested in, how can they know it is even possible? Read this book and books like it. Inspire the next generation of awesome people.
Check out this video of girls asking Mae Jemison questions:
Some Things to Think About…
Who do you think Mae’s teacher discouraged Mae from being an astronaut?
Is everything your teachers say the truth? Can teachers ever be wrong?
Lots of people ask children what they want to be when they grow up. Adults can be many things in their lives. What kind of adult would you like to be? How do you want people to see you when you grow up? Name many things you might do when you grow up.
illustrated by Stasia Burrington